Garden Agreement
As a Garden member I understand that:
my involvement at the Garden and the opportunity to use my garden plot is a privilege, not a right
my participation at the Garden is at my own risk and that I need to be responsible for my actions. Neither the Wentworthville Community Garden Committee nor the Holroyd City Council will be liable for any injury to me, any friends that I may invite, nor for the loss of any of my possessions.
if I do not pay my membership fee on or before 1st April, I will forfeit my right to attend the Garden and use a garden plot
my allocated garden plot is for my use only and that I may not transfer the use of my plot to any other person
I am required to assist with the maintenance of communal / shared spaces
I must gain approval for the planting of new plants in communal / shared spaces before proceeding
I will forfeit my right to use a plot if I do not tend to my garden plot for two (2) months
I must not use non-standard garden materials, plant or cause to be planted any plants outside of my allocated plot nor construct any extensions to my plot that may impede the walkways.
I agree to:
follow the Garden procedures and member conduct as set out in the Wentworthville Community Garden Handbook and agree to undertake Garden and Safety Induction Programs
sign on and off when I arrive and leave the Garden. Any visitors I bring to the garden will sign in and out
respect the rights and opportunities of other Garden members
contribute to the weeding, watering and general maintenance of the Garden as far as I am reasonably capable of
water according to the Sydney Water guidelines
be responsible for the supervision of any child/ren I bring to the Garden
be responsible for the supervision of any dogs I bring to the Garden. I will keep them on a lead, scoop up any droppings and dispose of such droppings off the Garden site
notify the Garden Committee if I will be absent for a period exceeding two (2) months or if I change my address
use organic gardening methods at the Garden
not store any materials at the Garden and carry away my rubbish and dispose of it off the Garden site.