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The Award Winning Garden

We are very proud of our Garden and have showcased it in many different places. We are very pleased that the judges have determined the Wentworthville Community Garden as first in class on so many occasions.

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Sydney Royal Easter Show Fruit & Vegetable Entries 2015
Nine 1sts, three 2nds & four 3rds

We entered into 18 classes this year and are very excited with results for 16 of those entries.


We were then gobsmacked to find out we won Champion Leaf and LeafStalk Inflorescence Exhibit, Champion Asian Fruit or Vegetable Exhibit, and, Supreme Champion Vegetable Exhibit!

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Sydney Royal Easter Show Community Gardens 2015
First Prize

Five years straight! Our theme for this year was a picnic. And any good picnic is invaded by ants.


We also managed to recoginise the 100th anniversary of ANZAC with a replica of a 1915 newspaper, recruitment brochure and Flanders poppies.

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Sydney Royal Easter Show Fruit & Vegetable Entries 2014
Four 1sts, a 3rd & a Highly Commended

After some encouraging words last year from Judges and other competitors, we entered a number of the fruit and vegetable classes.


We were delighted to be awarded first for our peas, chillies, cape gooseberry and lettuce. Our endive gained a third place and the Mexican Sour Gherkins were highly commended.

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Sydney Royal Easter Show Community Gardens 2014
First Prize

Our fourth consecutive win in the class!


Our theme for this year was Garden Treasure. We managed to display more than 40 different varieties of vegetables within our square metre of display space.

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Merrylands RSL Holroyd Community Gardens Awards 2013 Grand Champion 

Each year we enter this competition as a gesture of support for Holroyd City Council who have organised this competition previously. Our Garden looks worse for wear as most of the crops have been harvested for our Open Day two weeks earlier.


The judges were impressed with our working, living garden awarding us first place in the schools and community gardens, and, declared us the grand champion.

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Sydney Royal Easter Show Community Gardens 2013
First Prize

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Keep Australia Beautiful Sustainable Cities Awards 2013

The Sustainable Garden Award in the Keep Australia Beautiful - NSW Sustainable Cities Award is the leading community and environmental award in NSW.


We promoted that our Garden has an established culture where members take responsibility for the day to day running of the garden and for implementing and managing initiatives. It is this ownership, sense of belonging and community pride that ensures the long term sustainability of our Garden. And the Judges agree!

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Sydney Royal Easter Show Community Gardens 2012
First Prize

We were determined to win this third consecutive first at the Show!


Our theme was companion planting, not just between vegetables, but between friends.


Our display showed the diversity and friendships between members and included the recommended pairing of companion planted vegetables.

With a win under our belt, we were determined to be more organised this year and grow produce to match our baby vegetable theme.


Our props were first class but trying to harvest baby vegetables in such good growing conditions proved to be harder than we thought.


Nevertheless we submitted an entry that pleased the Judges!


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Sydney Royal Easter Show Community Gardens 2011
First Prize

Our first entry into the Show seemed like a good idea at the time. We were newly established as the Wentworthville Community Garden and had our own governance so why not enter one of the most prestigious competitions?


And we won!

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Holroyd City Council Garden Awards Schools & Community Gardens 2009 First Prize

As the newly established Holroyd Community Garden (we had more space than gardens) we thought it worth presenting ourselves.


We are very proud of gaining first place.

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